Powerful Ruby on Rails: why is it still the best tech choice for your product in 2022?

Jul 28, 2022

Powerful Ruby on Rails: why is it still the best tech choice for your product in 2022?

To build a next-generation web application, you must choose the optimal technology for your company's requirements. For back-end development, a variety of programming languages and web frameworks are available. One such framework created in the Ruby programming language is called Ruby on Rails (RoR). Both basic and sophisticated websites, as well as new businesses and startups, can benefit greatly from this robust web development framework. 

What is Rails? 

But, firstly, let's start with Ruby. 

Ruby is an object-oriented programming language that is general-purpose, dynamic, and interpreted. It's so human-like and similar to English that even someone who doesn't know how to code may understand Ruby code to some level.

Despite being written in 1995, Rails was created in 2004 and earned Tiobe's "Programming Language of the Year" award in 2006.

Rails has grown in popularity at a furious speed, with over 200,000 web pages presently built with the technology. Many well-known companies are now adopting Rails to create agile, scalable web apps. Twitter, GitHub, Yammer, Scribd, Groupon, Shopify, and Basecamp are just a few examples.

Rails is a Ruby-based framework for developing web applications that has its own routing system that is independent of the web server. Rails' purpose is to dramatically simplify web application development by requiring less code and time than would otherwise be necessary to perform the same activities.

“Rails is the killer app for Ruby.” 

Yukihiro Matsumoto, Creator of Ruby

According to BuiltWith, there are over 1 million+ live Ruby on Rails websites worldwide, and the number is rapidly increasing. This popularity originates from the numerous benefits Ruby on Rails programming may offer your business.

Ruby on Rails benefits:

  • RoR saves time because of the abundance of existing plugins and modules that allow developers to avoid developing repetitive code;
  • RoR is affordable because it is an open-source framework distributed under the MIT license; 
  • RoR is secure, with numerous security features included by default;
  • RoR encourages bug-free development by including good testing tools in the framework, such as Minitest;
  • Because of its extensive adoption by large software businesses, RoR has a robust development community and support.

For what Ruby on Rails is used for? 

Minimum Viable Products (MVP)

Ruby on Rails is a wonderful choice for cost-effective and speedy MVP development. The framework is widely used for prototyping and testing multiple versions of applications before building a fully functional Ruby on Rails app.

eCommerce platforms

RoR is the preferred framework for many eCommerce platforms, including Shopify, due to its versatility, low cost, and rapid development. Furthermore, RoR is highly scalable and can handle a large number of transactions at the same time.

Social networking apps

Companies are recruiting Ruby on Rails developers to create social networking sites because RoR can handle a high volume of traffic. Ruby on Rails is used for web development and maintenance in hospitality and travel booking platforms such as Airbnb and Couchsurfing.

Platforms that support complex databases

RoR is appropriate if your platform requires extensive database usage and hosting capabilities. The best example is GitHub, the world's largest Git repository site.

As you can see, Ruby on Rails offers a diverse set of applications, and we've just scratched the surface.

Which companies are using Ruby on Rails? 

Rails’ primary purpose is to rapidly create new high-performance web platforms. However, there is no definitive answer as to what Ruby is used for because, like any general-purpose programming language, it is appropriate for a wide range of products. Let’s see which businesses are already using Rails. 


Yes, it was written in 2006 with Ruby on Rails. The CMS already serves over a million retailers and is rapidly expanding.

RoR's modular architecture makes it ideal for constructing B2C, B2B, B2B2C, or subscription-based e-stores. It has the capacity to not only get a project started quickly, but also to make it functional with eye-candy.


Ruby on Rails is used to build Hulu, an American streaming portal. It's a significant subscription streaming service similar to Disney+, Netflix, Crave (in Canada), and others.


This website is well-known among bargain hunters. These web locations are well-known for generating traffic as well as quality leads. Ruby on Rails is ideal for rapid development of such a project.


Every gamer's home from home built using Ruby on Rails is the best example here.

Yellow pages 

It is a business directory that provides contact information for businesses.

Of course, this list is endless but let's go further to answer the main question here - what does Rails have that defines it as a great tech choice of all the time? 

The advantages of Ruby on Rails from a business standpoint

Developing applications with Ruby on Rails can be an excellent investment because it not only provides incredible benefits such as the ability to swiftly build complex web apps, but it also has additional hidden pearls that make investing in its learning curve well worth your time. You'll soon realize why using anything else would end up costing more than half of what it should have done in the first place. Let’s read more about Ruby on Rails advantages: 

1. Time-efficient

It is important to pick a programming language that produces the most output in the least amount of time. RoR is a framework that includes a plethora of ready-to-use plugins and modules. You can use these modules and plugins to construct web applications without having to write bipolar code. When compared to alternative frameworks, developers that utilize Ruby on Rails to create an application can complete projects 30 to 40% faster. This provides the startup company more time to develop.

2. Cost-effective

Ruby on Rails is a cost-effective and time-efficient solution to construct applications. With businesses seeking to cut expenses while maintaining high quality, Ruby on rails development delivers the ideal balance of both! Startups will save money without reducing output value, making it the greatest alternative for both them and their investors.

3. Gems available for every task

There are numerous supporters of this framework all across the world. These supporters include developers all around the world who are continually generating gems and third-party libraries to improve the framework's capabilities. There are around 3000 gems available for developers, and it is claimed that these can perform practically any operation. These gems can perform functions ranging from authentication to payment and uploading. Gems make it possible and simple to add new functionality to apps. These gems can assist developers in creating web applications that meet the majority of the needs of customers.

4. Easy support and maintenance

It is crucial for startups to choose a framework with excellent support and maintenance services. Many things might go wrong throughout the development period, and only good support and maintenance services can remedy them. Ruby on Rails is a framework that provides substantial assistance and maintenance to developers as well as project management. Because of this functionality, many app development businesses prefer the framework over others.

5. High quality

With the rapid advancement of technology, it is difficult to find a framework that gives both quality and time savings. Because of its ability to deliver high levels of efficiency at minimal prices, startup organizations have discovered Ruby on Rails as their go-to solution for producing apps.

While competing frameworks such as Cordova and MeteorJS are available, none have proven to be capable enough to be utilized as replacements for Ruby on Rails' app development capabilities.

6. Scalable

The first step in creating a successful IT startup is to consider scalability. Scalability refers to an application's or website's ability to keep up with a load, and it's critical for any app that expects real-time visitors. If your site does not have enough servers set up at all times, when you get more traffic than usual—for example, after launching new features or advertising during peak hours—things will break faster as demand climbs exponentially, with no preparation!

Scalability is a major goal for many firms, and Ruby on Rails has demonstrated that it is capable of scaling an app.

7. Community Support

Ruby on Rails has one of the most robust and active communities in the programming and technology industry. Regular meetups, video conferences, and other events are organized by those who write and research on Ruby (technology researchers, bloggers, and so on). Hackathons and other events for collaborative software creation attract people from all around the world. They exchange knowledge and share what they have learned.

Ruby on Rails is an open-source framework that was created collaboratively. Because it is offered for free, developers from all over the world share their suggestions about how to improve this framework. This helps to push the software development industry forward.

8. Secure

Ruby on Rails is designed to be secure. This framework includes a set of tools to assist developers keep organized and focused on the task at hand, ensuring that your website is always up to date, safe, and never compromised.

Ruby takes care to keep you informed of what's going on behind the scenes, so you can focus on creating an awesome site without worrying about it being hacked or subject to malicious use.

Looking for a Ruby on Rails software company?

You found one!

Innovation Feel team consists of true Ruby on Rails engineers with years of experience using this technology. You can hire a Ruby on Rails developer from our team to produce top-notch results that will drive your product to the top of the rankings.

From education and travel to eCommerce and search apps, you may find a dedicated engineer to develop your product. Many companies have already benefited from RoR, and you can too!

So, don't hesitate to contact us and we'll discover a Ruby on Rails developer who meets your needs and project objectives.

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